Sunday, March 9, 2008

6 Years

Well, everyone keeps telling me I need to start a blog. I don't see why people would think what I have to say would be so interesting, but I LOVE reading my friends blogs, so maybe they'll enjoy mine?
Today is our 6 year wedding anniversary, WOW!! In so many ways its flown by, and in so many ways it seems like it should be way more than six. Mostly because we have a 4 year old, a 2.5 year old, one on the way, our own business, and a new house. Shouldn't I be 35 by now and have at least a decade of marriage under my belt? Who's idea was it to give me all this responsibility?
The last six years have been a blast, and for the most part, rock-free. We're pretty darn lucky I think.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

You rock! I'm so happy that you've started your own blog! I'll check back often!

Happy Sixth Anniversary!