Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I hate turkeys!!!!

Okay, so part of the appeal of living up in these beautiful mountains is the abundance of wildlife right out my door, but come on! Turkeys are ugly, and their poop is nasty, and their gobbles are obnoxious! Not to mention the horrible effect they have on the men in my family, especially my two year old! When the turkeys first appeared on the scene, I admit, it was exciting, interesting, and fun. But then my sportman of a husband decided to invest in bags and bags and bags of chicken/turkey feed. Yippee! I am constantly fighting for his attention, because the turkeys might look different today than they did yesterday, right? And heaven forbid he not watch them every spare moment he has. All day long Jack cries, "I can't see the turkeys, where are the turkeys." Until, of course, he finally spots one, then its, "I see a Turkey! I see a turkey!" ALL DAY LONG!! And now we have a resident flock of 10-15 birds, who can be seen on our property at any given time of the day, especially at 5:30 in the morning, directly below my open window......GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

So - don't people usually feed the turkeys with future plans to eat the turkeys? I don't see this going well with the boys on Thanksgiving!