Thursday, February 5, 2009

Luke's hair

So, when my little Luke was born I was thrilled that for once I had a baby with hair. Granted, it wasn't much hair, and frankly he looked like an old man. He had a perfect ring of hair around the largest part of his head, with none on top, whatsoever. Well, it's been growning, and growing, and growing, and what used to be a perfect circle of a curl at the base of his neck has now turned into a tail. It's adorable and hideous all at the same time. Mark keeps threatening to cut it off, and I insisted that he wait until I got a picture of it. So, here is the picture of my 9 month old's tail. cute, eh?


Jeannie said...

It's almost as if either he was meant to bring the tail "back" or he was meant to be born in the 80's. I'm not sure which.

Clayton & Kayley Anderson said...

Really cute, I love it! Don't let him cut it off!

Amy, Mike and our Girls said...

It is cute, though I miss the old man look!

Cassandra said...

Only in Montana!

Soper Family said...

Hilarious...I think Gus is working on a tail, too!