Thursday, March 13, 2008

3rd time is NOT a charm

I hate to be the whiny pregnant lady, but the third time around for me is definately the hardest. I thought I had it all planned out, being pregnant in the winter and early spring, to avoid the heat. Having my starting weight where I wanted it, so I could be better about the weight I did gain, I even bought an eliptical to stay in shape and keep my weight gain down. The beginning was good, almost great. I was doing a really good job of keeping my weight where I wanted it, and besides the fatigue, I was feeling good. Then I hit 20 weeks.......We had just found out it was another boy, which was exciting, and a tiny tiny bit disappointing, all at the same time. My back started to hurt really bad, and I was feeling short of breath a lot. I though it was a little early for the back pain, but just grinned and bore it, I was carrying another human being after all. Well, at about 22 weeks we did an ultrasound and my doctor mentioned excess amniotic fluid. What? Well, him being the doctor he was, he kinda left it at that, and scheduled me for another ultrasound in a month. So, for the next month I proceeded to do research on excess amniotic fluid, or polyhydramnios, if you prefer the medical term. According to the internet and pregnancy books, my back pain, shortness of breath, and instant weight gain (10 pounds in 1 month, 7 in the next, yuck!) were all key symptoms. The causes were the scary part. I was reading about birth defects, and preterm labor, and lots of scary stuff, but still had to wait 4 weeks for any answers. Finally I was able to see the doctor again, and once again he assured me that there was excess fluid, but not a TON extra, and that everything would probably be fine. So, I decided to just forget about it, not to worry, and wait for the baby to come. Then, a week later, he called me and told me that he was making an appointment for me to see the prenatal specialist in town, for yet ANOTHER ultrasound, a high-definition one, no less. Thankfully I didn't have to wait 4 weeks, only 2 days! So, after an hour in a dark room with a very nice nurse, and an amazing video of our baby, the specialist informed me that he cannot see anything wrong with the baby, and that there is probably nothing to worry about, except the great possibility of yet another BIG baby, great! So, now I still have the constant back pain, a gigantic belly, sleepless nights, and 2 more months to go. Oh, and to top it all off, my silly body keeps going into false labor, not fun, not fun at all. The best thing out of all of this is these beautiful photos we were able to get of our next little Heppler boy, isn't he cute?


Jennifer said...

Scary! I gotta say - this whole pregnancy thing does NOT sound like a good time! Big hugs - and I'm glad to hear that the specialist didn't see any problems.

MELISSA said...

Dang you are amazing! I am glad all looks well! Hang in there!