Wednesday, October 29, 2008

And so it begins......

"Good afternoon. We're gonna have a great jump today. Okay, first crank a hard cutback as you hit the wall. There's a screaming bottom curve, so watch out. Remember: rip it, roll it, and punch it." Squirt

Do any of you recognize that quote from the adorable little sea turtle in Finding Nemo? Well, it may as well have been said by my very own adorable little Jack-Jack. Jack is ALL extreme, ALL the time, and we knew it was just a matter of time before we would start having experiences like the one we had this week. Check it out!

That's right, barely even three and he's had his first fracture! Now, here is where I should plug in some awesome story about how it happened. Maybe he was using the railing on our back porch as a balance beam, and fell the 12 feet to the ground. Or maybe he decided to take our battery powered four-wheeler down the flight of stairs. Possibly he scaled the pine tree in our front yard, or maybe he was even chasing the flock of turkeys. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I actually don't have the great story I expected to have for this occasion. He and daddy were wrestling on the bed, and he fell backward onto his hand. That's it, that's the story.

The near 48 hours it took to get from break to cast, now that is where the story is. True, its no fall from a tall tree, but 48 hours is a long time for a little boy to live with a broken wrist. At about five o'clock on Monday afternoon, Jack hurt his wrist, and I felt right away that something was wrong, but it didn't swell up or anything, so I convinced myself that it was just a sprain or bruising. So, we suffered through a long night of him up over and over, because he just could not find a comfortable place to lay his hand. Tuesday morning I wrapped it in an ace bandage, and took off to a few meetings. When I got home at about one, I still couldn't shake the feeling that it was broken, so I called our doctor here in town, and she asked us to come in so she could look at it. So at three, we met with her, she squeezed it once or twice, and decided that an x-ray was needed. So then Jack and I raced into town to get to the Lab before they closed, and he had his arm x-rayed by 4:30 that afternoon. Since it was so late, we didn't expect to get the results from the x-ray until the following morning, so we were facing another possibly long night, ugh. Fortunately, the ace bandage held it in place pretty well, and we all woke the next morning pretty well-rested. After a bit of phone tag, we found out at 12:30 on Wednesday that his wrist was in fact broken, and that our local doctor had made an appointment for him with the Orthopaedic Surgeon in town, at 3:15 that afternoon, 46 hours after the initial break. So now, we have 4 weeks to go with our little monster and his 'green arm', as he calls it. What a long couple of days....


Jeannie said...

I'm going to give him less than 19 hours before he whacks Kale with it.

Clayton & Kayley Anderson said...

Hi Marie, I saw on facebook that you had a blog and I had to check out your adorable kids. They're so cute! I can't believe you have 3, I'm jealous!

If you check out my blog, it's kind of sad, not nearly as cute as yours, but I still haven't figured out all this html stuff yet. Plus I don't have any cute kids to show off. But I'm currently working to remedy that. :)

Eric said...

Poor little Jack! Hopefully he's not in much pain and you're back to getting sleep!

Amy, Mike and our Girls said...

Crazy kid but a brave little guy. Taylor and Jane send their sympathies. I asked Jane what Jack should do with his broken arm. She said "ummm, ummm, stop!"

Jennifer said...

Oh, he looks so tough!

When I first met my little stepbrother, he was 3 and had a broken leg and a huge green cast. It was so funny to watch him try to run with that thing, but it sure didn't seem to slow him down a bit!