Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The K-Man

So, since I'm absolutely HORRIBLE at journaling, and it terrifies me that some day I will forget all of the adorable things my little men do every single day, I am going to try my darndest to post a blog about each of them on a regular basis.
Kale. I am having the hardest time wrapping my mind around the fact that he is going to be 5 before the year is up. It seems that everyday I look at him and am dumbfounded by how big he's gotten, and how smart he is becoming. As Jeannie puts it, Kale is the smart one. He's my little genius in the making. He can take on any project and tackle it in a matter of minutes. I am dying to get him into piano lessons, cuz his fingers are so nimble and he LOVES music! And the things he says these days! At the dinner table tonight alone he opened up his brain to us. Telling us all about his ear drum, and the the black circles in his eyes get smaller when the lights come on, and that his tongue is covered in polka dots. He has his own special super hero power, he calls them his "Super Eyes." When asked to show them to you, he'll look at you, cross his eyes, and exclaim that it makes you two people! Again at dinner, he was explaining to us all about mermaids. When Mark asked him what they looked like he said that they have a tail and squishies, as he puts his hands over his chest. Mark was slow to catch onto this, so he asked what he meant. Kale then explained that they have clam shells over their pink polka dots. Apparently this marks the END of him showering with me :) He is my very biggest helper, which is a huge step from where he used to be. I love this age because he loves to make me happy, and bribery works much better on him than Jack. He really understands the concept of cause and effect. I clean up my toys, I can play the Wii. I hit my brother, I get in big trouble. I get him to hit me first, HE gets in big trouble, etc. Although I don't get the long cuddles and lengthy hugs from him that I used to, he will ALWAYS give me kisses whenever I ask, he is such a lover! I can definately conclude that I am in love with this age! The gap between us is smaller, and it is so fun to watch him learn!

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

What a sweetheart. And yeah, no more showers.