Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas morning

Here are just a few of my favorite pictures from Christmas morning.....
Here is Luke with Aunt Heidi and his first Christmas ornament.

This picture is hilarious. It is Kale and Mark, sitting at opposite ends of the table, each assembly a lego kit, heheheh

This is a picture of the living room early in the morning, before the boys came upstairs
This one is so funny too! It's Kale, reading the instructions, trying to figure out how to transform his Optimus Prime.

This isn't a very good picture, but I love it. Jack got a Little Einsteins Rocket, and he just runs in circles around the house, flying it up and down, up and down.
This is another not-so-good picture, but I had to show these adorable hats my mom made for all the grandkids.

Mark, Kale and Jack all got cowboy hats, I love this shot of Kale.

Jack's drum from Uncle Casey and Aunt Jeannie.

Look at all the boy toys!


Aren't these stockings beautiful! My mom cross-stitched one of these elaborate stocking for EACH of her grandkids, what a treasure! Luke's wasn't finished this year, but we'll be proud to show it off next year.

Christmas Eve jammies

Every year my mom makes all the grandkids new flannel pajamas for Christmas, and we almost always open them on Christmas Eve. This year just might be my favorite, although the ones from Kale's very first Christmas barely come in second.

Gingerbread Houses

Every year my step-mom takes the boys for a morning and they make gingerbread houses together. This usually also works out to be a great opportunity for me to go Christmas shopping without them! Here are the pictures of the completed houses, just minutes before they were devoured!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Best baby ever!

I can't get over what an amazing baby Luke is. Most of the time its like he's not even here. When he's awake, as long as he's not abandoned in a room somewhere, he's perfectly quiet. He loves to watch his brother's play, they keep him occupied for hours. When he's tired, I just lay him in the bed. He puts his little head down, waits for me to cover him up, and I don't hear a peep for at least an hour or two. Just this morning, he was playing on the floor. Apparently his brothers had left, but I had no idea he was alone. He made no fussing sounds or anything. Mark asked me where he was, and I stated, "probably on the floor where you left him." Mark had glanced at the floor, near the basket of baby toys, but there was no Luke. After further investigating, we found he had rolled across the room, and fell asleep.

Apparently he was bored with his brothers gone, so he closed his eyes, waiting for their return. What a good boy!

Potty Training Jack

Well, we've been debating for a long time about whether or not to potty train Jack. He has shown no interest whatsoever, so its been easy for me to put off. Jeannie and I talked about getting Casey and Jack trained before she moved, but Jack had his cast on, and I just couldn't imagine trying to potty train a three year old who can't wash his hands. Right about the time that Jack got his cast off, however, little Casey J took the plunge. After a day or two, he was basically potty trained. Well, this made me REALLY commit to doing it. If Casey J could do it (even though it wasn't HIS idea) than I knew Jack could, it was just a matter of me sticking to my guns. So yesterday I decided it was time. I took him out of his pajamas, and sat him on the toilet. He cried hysterically! "The poops are gonna bite me!" I glanced at Mark who was giving me a look portraying that maybe he wasn't ready. I didn't care, it was time! After two small accidents that morning, he had it down pat! He didn't even say anything when he had to go, he would just go in, stand at the urinal (yes, we DO have a urinal, how can I not with 3 little boys in the house!) and let it all out. Hooray! We went to my mom's for dinner that night, and he had a few accidents there, but that was to be expected. Today is day two, and he is doing great. He is 100% for going #1, but we still can't get him to go #2 in the potty.

So, even though he still won't poop in the potty, I consider this a HUGE success! An entire day with no wet accidents, I'll take it!

Deer Hunt

Well, I finally did it! I shot my first deer. I decided that I was ready. I'd been on enough hunts, and shot enough guns, that I knew I'd be able to do it. There's not much of a story behind it. We just threw the whole family into the expedition, drove down to Mark's uncle's property in Hamilton, and drove around until we found the herd. I really had my heart set on my first deer being a buck, and lucky for me, there he was. He wasn't too big, but he was standing just 50 yards from the car, dumb as can be, so I took a shot. It was exciting. The only thing I remember is Mark yelling, "Nice shot hon, nice shot!" over and over again.

Mark's aunt even made it THAT much easier on us by driving the tractor over. Mark hoisted the buck into the bucket, and she drove right into the garage. Mark didn't even have to use any muscle to get it hung! So, after he skinned it, and we loaded it into the back of the expedition, we were finally on our way back home, and Mark spots another buck, about 60 yards from the car, just lying there, staring him down. He couldn't resist. Bang!

I was a tiny bit peeved because he just couldn't give me my day. Not only did he have to go and shoot a deer after mine, but it was a bigger buck than mine too!

Really, I'm just glad that I got my first one, and that we have some more meat in the freezer. Next year I'm going for a mule deer, these whitetail are just too small :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

How many days?

Now, you may think that the title of this blogs eludes to some kind of countdown until Christmas, but you're wrong. This three word phrase is Kale's response to EVERYTHING! When he's forced to sit and eat a dinner he protests to, "How many days until I have to eat this?" When we're driving to Grandma's house, "How many days until we get to Grandma's?" When we're getting ready for bed, "How many days until bedtime?" The one he does get right is..., "How many days until Santa comes?" Apparently we need to start to teach him the different ways to measure time; minutes, hours, days, YEARS!

Friday, December 5, 2008


My adorable little three year old calls me mom. At first, he was calling other people mom, like his friends mothers. I figured they could be mom, as long as I was mommy. But recently, and especially today, he has been calling ME mom. "Good morning, Mom." "I love you, Mom." "I'm playing pic pac toe, mom!" The first few times it was cute, but I don't like it anymore. I knew eventually that they would outgrow the mommy stage, but I didn't think it would happen at 3!!! He and I just had a long discussion this morning about the differences between a baby, and a big boy. We are getting ready to potty train him, and he seems very stuck in the middle. He adamantly protests the idea of him being a baby, but refuses to give up the diapers for some big boy underwear. I pushed and pushed and pushed that he should want to be a big boy now, and not a baby like Lucas, but I didn't realize he would grow up so fast, in just a few hours! Today he's calling me mom, tomorrow he'll be borrowing my car.........slow down kid!