Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Potty Training Jack

Well, we've been debating for a long time about whether or not to potty train Jack. He has shown no interest whatsoever, so its been easy for me to put off. Jeannie and I talked about getting Casey and Jack trained before she moved, but Jack had his cast on, and I just couldn't imagine trying to potty train a three year old who can't wash his hands. Right about the time that Jack got his cast off, however, little Casey J took the plunge. After a day or two, he was basically potty trained. Well, this made me REALLY commit to doing it. If Casey J could do it (even though it wasn't HIS idea) than I knew Jack could, it was just a matter of me sticking to my guns. So yesterday I decided it was time. I took him out of his pajamas, and sat him on the toilet. He cried hysterically! "The poops are gonna bite me!" I glanced at Mark who was giving me a look portraying that maybe he wasn't ready. I didn't care, it was time! After two small accidents that morning, he had it down pat! He didn't even say anything when he had to go, he would just go in, stand at the urinal (yes, we DO have a urinal, how can I not with 3 little boys in the house!) and let it all out. Hooray! We went to my mom's for dinner that night, and he had a few accidents there, but that was to be expected. Today is day two, and he is doing great. He is 100% for going #1, but we still can't get him to go #2 in the potty.

So, even though he still won't poop in the potty, I consider this a HUGE success! An entire day with no wet accidents, I'll take it!


Jeannie said...

There might be nothing worse than an pair of underwear full of poop.

Way to go Jack Jack!!!

Amy, Mike and our Girls said...
